Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feeling At Home

We just got back from another trip up to the homeland in Vancouver, Canada. I have to is always hard to leave. I just get this incredible feeling of home and belonging when I am there. Don't get me wrong, I do love my life in the Pacific Northwest. But there is just something about Canada that jives with me.

I feel in many ways, Vancouver is light years ahead. I am always amazed at the transit system up there. You could easily and conveniently live without a car in Vancouver. Buses come at regular intervals, very dependable. Why can't WA have this? It seems that here everyone is either too far away from a bus or too afraid to ride the bus. I certainly would not take a bus here.

I have been "countertop composting" for a couple of years now. I don't think a lot of people do that here. But in Vancouver, there will be a ban placed on kitchen scraps next year.

On the Canadian side of the border, they have installed a traffic light about a half mile from the border crossing. This was done to group cars waiting at the border to prevent unnecessary idling and greenhouse gas emissions.

The local public swimming pool in Vancouver has public swim from 10 am-8pm every day. It seems here you have to plan your whole day around a swim session. It sure is nice to be able to take the kids to the pool at any point during the day.

Garbage cans on the street have a section for recyclables. At the food court, they have a food scraps bin. It just seems that Vancouver is willing to go that extra mile to do what is right.

To top it all off, and I SO agree with this through my travels, Vancouver is The Economist's #1 most Livable City in the World.

Like I said, I love living in WA and I think as far as the US goes, WA is pretty progressive. I think they will catch up here but I have to say I am proud of my hometown for blazing the trail!



Now I know why I am like this. Because of all the Canadian in me. :)


I need to send this to City Hall! It just gives me goose-bumps!!

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