Lucas "graduated" from preschool over the weekend. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen.
They did a little play for all of the parents and Lucas was "Bear #2" in the play. He remembered all of his lines and looked precious up there :)
When the kids came up to get their "diplomas" they were playing the graduation song and they announced the child's name and what they wanted to be when they grow up. There were some really hilarious things like "wants to design fans and robots", "wants to be a mermaid", and "wants to be the lead singer of a hard core punk band".
When they announced Lucas' name, they said "When Lucas grows up, he wants tobe a pilot and fly 787's, 777's, 767's, 747's"!
I asked him about it later and he said "Daddy can do all the work and I will just fly the things".
Smart kid! Make Daddy do the work and he gets the fun of flying the planes! Congrats to Lucas... now on to Kindergarten!!
Oh! My Goodness!!!
How "VERY SO PRECIOUS" is that!!
Well done Lucas--I am SO proud of you!
Maybe Daddy will need your expert help to !!build!! and !!inspect!! the planes **before** you fly them--you know how it is!!
Good pics Mummy! Hope to see more.
Love you.
How exciting. He sure knows what to say, he is one smart and funny kiddo.
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